Plus Alpha Consulting’s Contributions to a Sustainable Society
As stated in our corporate philosophy, by creating “PLUS ALPHA value,” we are able to greatly impress and provide ever-broadening possibilities to our customers and thereby contribute to the development of a sustainable society.
We perceive dealing with issues surrounding sustainability to be an important management issue that also leads to reducing business risks and to earning opportunities, and will engage in the identification of risks and opportunities, drafting of response measures and periodic supervision.
We will promote ESG initiatives utilizing business characteristics to fulfill our responsibility to the sustainable development of society as a member of society, and promote sustained growth of the Company.

Sustainability Promotion System
We have established a Sustainability Committee to specify matters related to the Company’s sustainability and promote activities realizing sustainable growth and enhancement of medium- to long-term corporate value while contributing to the creation of a sustainable society by the Company engaging in corporate activities aimed at resolution of environmental and social issues. The Committee is headed by the Representative Director and President, and its members are made up of directors, auditors, general managers of each business and the head of internal auditing.