Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

The Company will give thorough consideration to the environment such as saving resources and saving energy in business operations based on the awareness that all business activities are dependent on and have an impact on the global environment.

Furthermore, each employee is conscious of being a member of society, is constantly aware of environmental impacts, and engages in the reduction of environmental burden as much as possible. 

In response to the issue of climate change, we disclose relevant information on analysis and assessments based on climate related scenarios in accordance with the framework (governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets) recommended by the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures).

Specific Environmental Initiatives

office building

Energy Saving in Business Locations

Consideration is given to the environment and society such as obtaining “DBJ Green Building Certification” in the head office building, and we are promoting resource saving and energy saving in business locations.

data centers

Use of Environmentally Friendly Services

We use data centers conducting initiatives aimed at a shift to 100% renewable energy, such as carbon neutral and carbon negative (amount of carbon removal more than the amount of emissions).